Roof Repair and Restoration

A Case Study in Effective Field Coatings Application

Existing Challenge

Our customer, a commercial building owner, had an existing roof system exhibiting various issues, including blisters and leaks. These problems not only compromise the building’s interior, but also raise concerns about potential energy loss and the overall structural stability of the roof. 

Approach and Solution

Roof maintenance is crucial for preserving the integrity and longevity of buildings. Our Field Coatings team conducted a thorough inspection of the roof and identified the areas requiring immediate attention. The following steps were undertaken to resolve the customer’s concerns:

Blisters and Leaks Repair: To prevent further water infiltration, the team cut out the blisters and repaired all leaking areas. This process involved removing damaged sections, patching holes, and ensuring proper sealing to eliminate any potential water ingress points.

Spray Foam Application: To enhance insulation and improve energy efficiency, a layer of spray foam was applied to the repaired areas. Spray foam provides excellent thermal resistance, reducing heat transfer and minimizing energy consumption. Moreover, it helps to strengthen the roof structure by adding rigidity and reinforcing weak areas.

Elastomeric Acrylic Coating: For the finishing touch, an elastomeric acrylic coating was applied over the entire roof surface. This coating forms a seamless, durable membrane that offers excellent resistance against weathering, UV radiation, and water damage. It also provides a uniform appearance and enhances the aesthetic appeal of the roof.

Results and Benefits

The application of spray foam and elastomeric acrylic coating systems provided several key benefits for the customer:

Leak Prevention: The meticulous repair work, combined with the high-performance coating systems, effectively eliminated leaks and vulnerabilities in the roof. The customer experienced enhanced water resistance, ensuring the integrity of their building’s interior.

Energy Efficiency: The addition of spray foam insulation significantly improved the building’s energy efficiency. By reducing heat transfer, the insulation minimized the need for excessive heating or cooling, resulting in lower energy consumption and cost savings for the customer.

Structural Integrity: The combination of repair work and coating systems enhanced the overall structural integrity of the roof. The spray foam added strength and rigidity, reducing the risk of structural damage caused by external factors such as heavy winds or impact.

Cost-Effectiveness: The roof repair and restoration project utilizing spray foam and elastomeric acrylic coating systems offered a cost-effective alternative to complete roof replacement. The customer achieved substantial savings while obtaining a highly durable and long-lasting solution for their roofing needs.